Wednesday, 10 December 2014

My News Channel for Teens (PPE Exam Topic)

Name: itsNews!

This logo will be in bubble writing, it is also quite quirky which would solve the issue of news being too serious for teenagers. 

I thought that I could make my news channel unique by including different news for different areas that my audience is watching, therefore if I was watching itsNews! in West London then local news to me would be shown and young adults would deliver the news in a scripted conversation to make my news interesting and apply to the audience wherever they are.

Young people that may enjoy watching itsNews! are able to apply to appear on the show to join the live conversation between the teenagers and every news show could include 4 fixed, young presenters and one teenager that has applied to join the show online and every show will feature someone new meaning there is always different opinions on the show that teenagers could join in with.

Social Link:
Teenagers could post their opinions on issues shown on the programme by including a hashtag such as #itsNews! on Twitter meaning these teenagers opinion can be read out by the presenters making our young audience feel their opinions are being heard.

I have chosen a wide range of topics that I would like to feature in my news programme that teenagers will be interested in such as:

- Sport
- Weather
- Teen Politics
- Celebrity News (maybe teen celebrities)
- Crime 
- Technology and Gadgets
- Movie and Music releases

Choice of Topics: News
One issue about news now is that most news show teenagers in bad light therefore the news that we can show on itsNews! can feature teenagers that have done something impressive and can be on the show, this could also be good for teenagers in the UK as they would try harder to achieve something special to be able to appear on the show.

What my presenters will wear:
Another issue that I have identified about news stations on TV is that everyone shown is dressed extremely formally which can appear boring and intimidating meaning they would not enjoy or be interested in it. This means that my presenters must dress casually and stylishly to make them seem relatable to our audience.

The timing of my TV News should be at a time in which teenagers are likely to already be watching TV, this would tackle the issue of them preferring to go online as it means that they can watch the news after watching their favourite shows such as The Simpsons or Citizen Khan. The timing for my programme will between the times of 5-7:30pm.

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