Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Genre and NCIS

Film Trailer: Ted
Genre: Comedy (2013)
Evidence (NCIS): This film is a comedy film with a little bit of romance, the usual iconography I would expect is hot women, sex scenes, funny and unrealistic situations that make the movie funny. There is also one dramatic breakthrough in the middle of the film which is resolved at the end which is also something I would expect. The setting is in America, in a casual area. There is a goofy and unrealistic character involved which is the teddy bear who makes lot of references to sex, nudity and drugs which makes the film a comedy since it a teddy bear
Film Trailer: The Conjuring
Genre: Horror (2013)
Evidence (NCIS): This film is a horror film that involves a dead witch, this is quite expected iconography as witches aren't real and because it is a classic scary character. The setting I would expect and is shown in this film is a new house that it found to be haunted early in the film. The conjuring could be described as a mockumentary as is it meant to be a documentary about a haunted house but is not a real story. This is made obvious with the 'fake' use of handheld cameras. There is a hot woman that dies and a frightening character that is not revealed but only in glimpses making the film a horror story.

Film Trailer: The Whole Ten Yards
Genre: Action (2013)
Evidence (NCIS): This film is a classic action film that involves fast cars, drug references, hot women and a villain that obviously gets killed at the end of the film. The hero of the film is victorious in the end and he drives, fast cars whilst doing what looks to be impossible which makes this film an action film. Lots of hot woman are involved in this film and classically the hero and the hot women get married at the end of the film

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